Welcome, this podcast is based on books I've read, personal thoughts, perceptions of people, places, and oddities to the dark path. My Dark Lord Lucifer of this vast Universe may your light be the bearer of men and women so that our eyes will see the truth of our own existence. You are the Angel of Light and Bearer of Darkness in man's soul. The creator of the correct path and the true light. Click on the "highlighted" word or phrase it's an audio that will lead you to hear the podcasts. Goetia Spirits to help you improve your self-awareness. Demonic Enns to call forth.
Typhonian Tradition - This podcast is about "Typhonian" after reading a few pieces of different literature I believe the word was made up from one writer to the next extending the subject. Originally most of these stories are from Greek mythology but contemporary occultist are adding their own made up version or extending that version from older original stories. It's my perspective.
Red King vs Lucifer Rite - Of course, the work of Smith is more intense and brutal because of the many animal and human sacrifices described in his books. Comparing it to Lucifers Rite there is no comparison. It's a water-down version, well it's not a version at all but it provides clues to understanding a few important points some people might not recognize.
Who Has Crossed the Abyss? - Anyone can cross the Abyss and there might be various methods to do this (which no one explains or shares except this guy). I have to assume most occultists have never actually crossed the Abyss. With that being said this young woman claimed to have gone through the QOH and jumped over to the RK without crossing the Abyss. I find it hard to believe she did it considering there is a sequence within those books a person needs to follow.
Lucifiers Origins - Italy has been known as the origins of this great Red Flamed King but frankly, it's hard to know where these intelligences actually originate from. The stories that Leland speaks of Diana and Lucifer in the "Witches Gospel" are in the area of Italy but it's just a story as there is no evidence to provide and Lucifer is only referred to in the bible.
Light Bearer Lucifer - Supposedly this great king received his name because a story is told that Hekate (formerly known as Diana) separated herself providing the great king as the light, and Hekate remained Dark. This God is a Janus God the Solar phallus and Hekate is the Shekinah of Witchcraft.
Pulling Away from the Darkness - A few nights ago something was pulling on my feet when I got into bed. Then a tarot I working with presented messages I had to stop to for grant spirit and do more and pay attention but also I was given a message from "witches wisdom" that I need to abandon the dark. I don't know if I can and I won't leave Hekate but I'm going to bring the light and focus on other subjects and pull away from certain dark aspects.
Belial and Astral Senses - Belial has a strong and subtle approach but his power can be immense. He helped when I called upon him through Hekate and he gave me strength and confidence. Belial favors women and if you want more help with how to work with Belial Bonnie is great she taught me a lot her videos are here.
New Moon in Libra - This FULL MOON is a time to honor Orobas great spirit of riches he a beautiful black stallion and came to me with Lucifer once in a dream. Orobas is Lucifers oracle. I want to give him praise and honor this incredible night on the full moon in Oroba's name. Hail great spirit Orobas.
Spiritual Attacks and Lucifer - Spiritual attacks can be scary when you don't know why it's happening but say the divine names out loud or yell out in the NAME OF JESUS, it will stop! (I'm kidding but not). This is parasitic energy that wants to feed off of people and it can cause chaos in your life but you need to learn how to banish it away and cleanse your space. It happens and for those who claim it never has they're lying. It's not uncommon I've had it happen to me a few times.
Asenath Mason and Writing Perspective - I enjoy Mason's work and appreciate that her writing style is simple enough for a child to understand. Since numerous people have literary problems or are just too lazy to understand writing in a sophisticated way Asenath writing style makes it easy for anyone to understand and follow her way of speaking.
Bune and Lord Parisel - There are various money magic methods and various spirits you can use to call upon them or ask Lord Parisel which is what I did. At the time it was a practical method I followed from Go Virtual. Yet this is the first time I've heard someone speak specifically about Bune and how to call upon this Necromancy spirit seeking riches or just some money to get by. Working with the dead I've never done, but I was strangely subjected to death energy.
Rant of Oracle and Tarot - Purchasing tarot and oracle decks can be an expensive hobby as I have collected several decks over the last few years and some I can't find or are out of print. Within the next year, I plan on developing my own decks as I have some great ideas for unusual art.
Full Moon and Pisces - A full moon is the best time for any ritual work, but Hekate is most active during this time my results have been successful but I need to aggressively invoke her current to be able to explore the portal. Recently I decided to read more books to gain some intel and hopefully, the experience is going to provide me with what I need to know, it's not easy, and for the many who claim all these visions I beginning to wonder?
Hekates Eye - I've never seen this before, this vision came from my third eye. I've been able to exercise visions from third quite well. I practice this regularly as I count on it so spirits will communicate. Sometimes visions can be of various shapes sizes and colors. It's rare when I see something clear images. This result is remarkable and Hekate showed me her eye which holds mystery to understanding her more.
Veritable Key of Solomon - Skinner is the writer of this book which is valuable because of the information. Skinner has explained magic is a broken science which might also explain why contemporary occultists are re-writing the past with little to no research, just piggybacking off each other. Skinner is different he has done research and tried to piece together "Ceremonial Magic" so it makes sense for those who are serious about magic can practice with a clearer understanding in approaching this mystical secret.
Using the Image of Hekate - I have discussed this before, how I use Hekate's image from the book Queen of Hell to communicate with her and it works very well. It's useful because you are looking at her and concentrating to evoke her presence at the same time. Visuals are helpful when meditating and evoking.
Hekate is Angry - Last night my experience with Hekate was different than I usually experience with her. I believe she was angry with me. As I am unsure of how to walk through this portal. It's something I need to exercise so I can experience it and find out what I need to know. Who has actually explained an experience of walking through portals?
Curse - I will never understand the contradictions of cursing's and those who write and publish books and yet express they don't curse anything or anyone. Then you're wasting time speaking on a subject you have no real devotion to. Stop being a hypocrite by thinking you're a super witch and yet your portrayal of walking on water, you're just a hypocrite, not a witch.
Whispers of the Void - Personal experience from Edgar Kerval of the Bartchiel on the Tree of Death. He explores the visions and sensations of this tunnel, its darkness and absurdity. Have you tried to work with any tunnels yourself? I have not as I am not seasoned enough to attempt this kind of hate, which this tree is just that. Yet I do enjoy reading about it.
Hekate and her Manifestation - In the last few weeks I've had some good results with Hekate and the more I experience different shapes and forms within my third eye. The more I work with her the more I can see different visions within my third eye, some make sense others don't but I am still yet to get her to fully manifest to me in full form.
Spirits I've Experienced - I'll share some bizarre spiritual moments and unusual things that occurred in my life. Sometimes it's hard to believe these spirits can act out as they do, but they are under stressful times and it doesn't always make sense who they are or why they behave the way they do.
I'm Done with It - I won't waste my time or money listening to people who claim they have gifts, power, and knowledge, writing books that cost hundreds of dollars what is the point? The only experience you gain is your own.
Sitra Ahra - The Sitra Ahra is not a place you can drive to and visit, it's beyond human reach. It's a realm of metaphysical evil and blackness where dense spiritual power resides and frankly, it won't surprise me if most human souls are damned because no one is going to reach heaven.
Qabalah and Mythology - I appreciate learning Qabalah and the Mythology behind it. My views are favored toward Gnostic views because when I look around and view society, it's nothing but hate, violence, and corruption. America is not Christian nor do people have faith in any God especially if you're on Facebook.
Words of Power - Words are power and ring out through the universe, my theory is spirit knows our feelings, thoughts, and emotions which shape and mold our reality circumstances which can manifest into events good and bad.
Essences of Evil - Evil is among all of us and it's within all of us, the more we fight, argue, and disagree with bent emotions the more that essence of evil can play out. Our rational minds have lost sight of the preservation of life.
Using Divine Names - Using Divine names opening the ritual from what I've learned can and does have a huge impact when contacting the spirit. I decided to try it, and this is the result that I received, however, today I briefly called upon Hecate, and I could not get her energy to leave so dismissing the Queen of Witchcraft is tough.
The Void by Frater - Frater is a writer and contributor with the Temple of Ascending Flame and has written about the Void within the Visions of the Nightside however his personal experience is unclear to me exactly what he did as a ritual and how he worked the ritual to confirm the truth about the void.
Hekate my Personal Experience - Regardless of the ignorance of others or exaggerated rituals some describe in books, my experiences have been minimal but still exist as her energy has not left me. Hekate is real and very potent. Hekate energy is strong and can be overwhelming to handle even when subtle.
Visions of the Night Side - It's a thin book that can be read in a day, with interesting perspectives but not all I agree with. Mason is a good writer and explains a simple understanding of the LHP perspective and the tree of death. So many areas of this art have been changed over time to personal discretions, it's why I will cross reference although it's not as easy with the lack of truth.
Negative Thinking - Most of us are infected with negative thinking for many reasons, family, society, personal relationships, and traumas but it is a weakness if we become victims to it and all it to be the driving force to our lives.
The Three Evils - Three Evils are the first three worlds the creator created but all were infused with hatred and blackness no human would survive to live on. Then the "mind" realized evil and good must be as one because they are in every human, we are all GUILTY of sin some are worse than others, but evil was necessary, regardless man still has a choice, don't you?
Black Magick and Curses - Nothing is more annoying than listening to women claiming to be a witch, "oh yes", they are but in a different category. The problem is don't curse anyone, get over your own bullshit as some people straight out fucken deserve it but for those who frown about it look in the mirror you don't walk on water living here on earth.
Kings of Edom - are biblical and occult-based over the years this story has many versions it is rather difficult to know what is true and what is not true. I guess at this point in the modern era can still perform ancient rituals and find the knowledge among certain Gods is up to you to seek the truth within your own beliefs.
Plato's Cave Allegory - I watched this movie called 1899 of an experiment where people were on a ship and they needed to determine reality from non-reality, they couldn't, but what caught my attention was Plato's Allegory and our existence of being human. Socrates explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner freed from the cave and understands that the shadows on the wall are not the direct source of the images seen. A philosopher aims to understand and perceive the higher levels of reality. However, the other inmates of the cave do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life, which is us.
Spiritual Energy - recently I discovered a young man who has proven to be a real occultist and shows you how to raise your energy and connect with spirits and demons, it's amazing, but these are just some of my thoughts about spiritual energy. Meditation is most important before connecting to the spirit.
The 1st Omen 2024 - Yesterday I went to the movies and watched The First Omen. Major flaw Damen Thorn of the 1976 version was born from a Jackal not a young white female who was an orphan and now returning to the church as a nun. The movie had an okay storyline I'll give it 3 stars, but it was rape and abuse the church was committing because their goal was to control the people by instilling fear with a baby as the anti-Christ, in hopes the people would return back to the church, ridiculous.
Capitalizing on Witchcraft - I don't see activism as being a witch, understanding its true origins, and getting to the core of what is real and what is not. I only see people finding an area of interest, learning what they can whether it's authentic or not, and selling to support themselves, it's gotten ridiculous. I express this because all of us are marked with 6 neutrons - 6 electrons - 6 protons in the body it needs to function, so maybe you should look deep into your own soul and life of what is missing or needs to change!
Sexual Fulfillment - My spirit guides once spoke to me that if I wanted sex, I didn't need it with another human, the spirit would oblige. As of yet I desire to experience this encounter, I just haven't had a moment of privacy to do this, but I will make accommodations soon as I want to have this experience with Hekate.
Personal Experience - I never studied witchcraft up until the last four or five years when I began with Tarot and then studied Hekate, my reason for opening the door to the spirit world is simply, that I needed support no humans were willing to provide or dared to be a true friend. Once you experience the power of these incredible spirits, you will never seek others who are human to relate to, as no human can compare to the Witch Gods.
Crown Prince Sabbat Review - This book has many blood sacrifices and speaks of Belial as the Sabbat and Dark Lord. Some of these rituals may be linked to other rituals from other volumes, as there are many sigils, prayers, and passages. Belial is of this earth as he carries the weight of the human race on his back, Hail Belial.
Surveillance of the Witch - My thoughts about rituals being performed outside. Many writers will explain how being outside in a woody area is more conducive to the ritual to gain more effective outcomes. I agree, but it depends on where you live. Walking within nature as compared to being inside is a way of containing too much spiritual energy within the walls of your home. Yet living in the city is a problem when conducting rituals outside, as someone will call the police.
Rituals of Pleasure by Asenath Mason - This book provides insight into having a Demon Lover and understanding of Demonic Children, and other rituals to perform calling upon Witch Gods. You can use many sigils and images you can use during the ritual. Some mythology and other fact-based, it's endless it only takes courage and human will.
Book Review of DarkMoon Huntress - This is a quick overview of my thoughts on this book which is basically the same as the original with just a few add-ons. Overall the cover is the nicest part with the softer paper it was printed on, but I was disappointed it had no real change or significance that could have been placed in the last edition.
Ain - Ain Sop - Ain Sop Aur - Ain is the highest and first of the veils. It is literally translated as nothing or simply "no", it is absolute emptiness, the opposite of existence, complete absence. Ain Soph is the middle of the three veils, and it proceeds from Ain by necessity. It is literally translated as "no limit". If there is nothing then there are no boundaries or limitations, this is the limitless foundation - the eternal in its purest sense. Ain Soph Aur is the lower veil, situated closest to the Tree of Life, and it proceeds from Ain Soph as a necessity. It means limitless or eternal light. Without limitations, all things happen because there is no reason why they shouldn't. I've read and come to understand that "Ain" is void.
Descendant of Ham - Researchers have theorized interesting possibilities of Ham the son of Noah. Incest may have taken place during this time between Ham and his mother, there is evidence, but I will explain why this was a possibility. I have no doubt during certain times of human existence incest has taken place, 1) to procreate if humans were limited in number. 2) the white race has committed these crimes to keep their bloodline pure, it's not.
Sorath the Sun Demon - Sorath is an inherit of the self, the Ego. Sorath is the thorn in the flesh. Steiner calls Sorath the archenemy of all development. Sorath is viewed as the Anti-Christ. When a man has achieved success in the physical plane his own evil pulls him away from spiritualism because of the illusions of monetary gain, in the physical world man believes he's better than the masses.
Book of Practical Witchcraft - I do recommend this book for beginners especially if your ancestry is of Celtic or Druid origins. The author focuses much of the written geographical history on these two eras. It has many rituals, with plants, herbs, and crystals, with various elements. Many things of the natural world don't let the cover of it fool you, there is no black magic here, however, anything can be converted into such. Otherwise, it has plenty to start your journey of the craft.
Yaltaboath - is the child of the Supreme Barbelon, the Heavenly Adam. Yaltaboath is the jealous God that roams his kingdom and demands the attention and love of Lilith, his consort. Yet the two lovers are separate and apart as the Dragon is slain which keeps these two creatures longing and lusting for each other and because of this Lilith and Yaltaboath (to some known as Samael) yearn to be together for the lust and passion these two are bound to share for eternity.
Yaltaboath 2 As I continue the story of Yaltaboath as this spirit God is an interesting subject. Yaltaboath is known as God. Some people today who have studied the Christian lies only to discover this God may have tricked us humans into worshiping him as he believes to be the only God in existence, but is he? And have we humans been enslaved here on earth? What will become of us?
The Number 666 - This number is known to represent all of creation and all of destruction. As much as man wants to blame the Devil, for the problem in society, it's the Devil in every man who needs to be confronted, confronted with the other man that dwells deep within yourself, deep within your soul.
Asmodeus - is a powerful spirit the seventh prince of Hell. Asmodeus is a spirit or a demon rather than a god. In various religious and mythological traditions, Asmodeus is depicted as a powerful entity associated with temptation, lust, and corruption. He is commonly portrayed as a malevolent being who seeks to lead individuals astray and disrupt their lives. Asmodeus is responsible for promoting chaos and discord. He is often associated with the sins of lust and is believed to tempt individuals into indulging in their desires, leading to moral corruption.
Betrayal in the Church - I stopped attending the church and listening to the word of Jesus decades ago. People in the church are not only guilty of hypocrisy at best, but never find solutions to look within themselves to resolve their personal problems, they think in their minds Jesus is the answer to why their kids are corrupt or why their spouse doesn't stop fornicating with the neighbor down the street. Jesus is the answer to everything, no he really isn't. I disagree each person is responsible for resolving their own problems. This flaw that people look to others for resolution is the biggest betrayal you can't look to anyone but yourself for resolution. You'll never find it in the church that's for dam sure!
Low Frequency of Man - Since I was a kid I've had one thought of humans, all of us are terrible, wanting to rage, fuck and fight. All of us live in this shit society of drugs abuse and war and none of us do shit about it. It's rare anyone human takes a stand and yet this Karmic cycle all of us live in just keeps going round and round and round, it's a stagnate, never-ending change of abuse and murder. People being the lower animals, they get what they deserve.
Marbas of Goetia - will provide an understanding of inner child work, shadow work, or self-exploration. Marbas can cause disease in an intended target or cure disease for yourself or someone you know. Marbas can cause you or someone else to have a better immune system. Marbas can help you find stolen things and give you wisdom, advice, and vast knowledge about hidden secrets. Marbas can cause you to shapeshift and act like someone else.
The Chants of Belial - Belial is believed to be the prince of darkness, the devil, the father of idolatry, the demon of impurity, the angel of lawlessness, and the ruler of the world. In this grimoire, written by Mason and Kerval Belial the demon king is presented as the Guardian of the Abyss and a being of multiple faces.
The Warren's Demonist - The Warrens are an interesting couple; the wife has been truly gifted with visions that have occurred from personal events. These events are malevolent activity has taken place. Her husband is somewhat of an occultist minister in his own right, using that word loosely. Otherwise, some of the events have been horrific while uncovering violent occurrences all over the world, and because of these gifts of Lorraine Warren, she has been most helpful to those being subjected to unusual spiritual possession.
H.P Lovecraft - My thought about H.P Lovecraft he was not an Occultist, but he was a writer of Science Fiction and Horror. Lovecraft had an unusual imagination that ran wild for his time. He was like Stephen King and Clive Barker all rolled into one. As I decided to read some of his stories, I began to see why some Occultists gravitate to his writings as Lovecraft goes beyond boundaries and deep into the dark shadows of monsters and demons. It becomes thrilling and uninviting.
Ugartic Culture - The Ugartic Culture is an extinct Northwest Semitic language classified by some as a dialect of the Amorite language. The city was destroyed around 1190 BC. During this era, it was known as the BAAL cycle. Advanced previous to the Egyptian era, however, the Greeks, Jews, and Egyptians all lived and worked together with the Ugartic people. Their ways of living and practices overlapped another at the very least sharing and learning from each other. The language is the oldest West Semitic Scripts such as Aramaic and Phoenician.
Typhonian Tradition - This podcast is about "Typhonian" after reading a few pieces of different literature I believe the word was made up from one writer to the next extending the subject. Originally most of these stories are from Greek mythology but contemporary occultist are adding their own made up version or extending that version from older original stories. It's my perspective.
Red King vs Lucifer Rite - Of course, the work of Smith is more intense and brutal because of the many animal and human sacrifices described in his books. Comparing it to Lucifers Rite there is no comparison. It's a water-down version, well it's not a version at all but it provides clues to understanding a few important points some people might not recognize.
Who Has Crossed the Abyss? - Anyone can cross the Abyss and there might be various methods to do this (which no one explains or shares except this guy). I have to assume most occultists have never actually crossed the Abyss. With that being said this young woman claimed to have gone through the QOH and jumped over to the RK without crossing the Abyss. I find it hard to believe she did it considering there is a sequence within those books a person needs to follow.
Lucifiers Origins - Italy has been known as the origins of this great Red Flamed King but frankly, it's hard to know where these intelligences actually originate from. The stories that Leland speaks of Diana and Lucifer in the "Witches Gospel" are in the area of Italy but it's just a story as there is no evidence to provide and Lucifer is only referred to in the bible.
Light Bearer Lucifer - Supposedly this great king received his name because a story is told that Hekate (formerly known as Diana) separated herself providing the great king as the light, and Hekate remained Dark. This God is a Janus God the Solar phallus and Hekate is the Shekinah of Witchcraft.
Pulling Away from the Darkness - A few nights ago something was pulling on my feet when I got into bed. Then a tarot I working with presented messages I had to stop to for grant spirit and do more and pay attention but also I was given a message from "witches wisdom" that I need to abandon the dark. I don't know if I can and I won't leave Hekate but I'm going to bring the light and focus on other subjects and pull away from certain dark aspects.
Belial and Astral Senses - Belial has a strong and subtle approach but his power can be immense. He helped when I called upon him through Hekate and he gave me strength and confidence. Belial favors women and if you want more help with how to work with Belial Bonnie is great she taught me a lot her videos are here.
New Moon in Libra - This FULL MOON is a time to honor Orobas great spirit of riches he a beautiful black stallion and came to me with Lucifer once in a dream. Orobas is Lucifers oracle. I want to give him praise and honor this incredible night on the full moon in Oroba's name. Hail great spirit Orobas.
Spiritual Attacks and Lucifer - Spiritual attacks can be scary when you don't know why it's happening but say the divine names out loud or yell out in the NAME OF JESUS, it will stop! (I'm kidding but not). This is parasitic energy that wants to feed off of people and it can cause chaos in your life but you need to learn how to banish it away and cleanse your space. It happens and for those who claim it never has they're lying. It's not uncommon I've had it happen to me a few times.
Asenath Mason and Writing Perspective - I enjoy Mason's work and appreciate that her writing style is simple enough for a child to understand. Since numerous people have literary problems or are just too lazy to understand writing in a sophisticated way Asenath writing style makes it easy for anyone to understand and follow her way of speaking.
Bune and Lord Parisel - There are various money magic methods and various spirits you can use to call upon them or ask Lord Parisel which is what I did. At the time it was a practical method I followed from Go Virtual. Yet this is the first time I've heard someone speak specifically about Bune and how to call upon this Necromancy spirit seeking riches or just some money to get by. Working with the dead I've never done, but I was strangely subjected to death energy.
Rant of Oracle and Tarot - Purchasing tarot and oracle decks can be an expensive hobby as I have collected several decks over the last few years and some I can't find or are out of print. Within the next year, I plan on developing my own decks as I have some great ideas for unusual art.
Full Moon and Pisces - A full moon is the best time for any ritual work, but Hekate is most active during this time my results have been successful but I need to aggressively invoke her current to be able to explore the portal. Recently I decided to read more books to gain some intel and hopefully, the experience is going to provide me with what I need to know, it's not easy, and for the many who claim all these visions I beginning to wonder?
Hekates Eye - I've never seen this before, this vision came from my third eye. I've been able to exercise visions from third quite well. I practice this regularly as I count on it so spirits will communicate. Sometimes visions can be of various shapes sizes and colors. It's rare when I see something clear images. This result is remarkable and Hekate showed me her eye which holds mystery to understanding her more.
Veritable Key of Solomon - Skinner is the writer of this book which is valuable because of the information. Skinner has explained magic is a broken science which might also explain why contemporary occultists are re-writing the past with little to no research, just piggybacking off each other. Skinner is different he has done research and tried to piece together "Ceremonial Magic" so it makes sense for those who are serious about magic can practice with a clearer understanding in approaching this mystical secret.
Using the Image of Hekate - I have discussed this before, how I use Hekate's image from the book Queen of Hell to communicate with her and it works very well. It's useful because you are looking at her and concentrating to evoke her presence at the same time. Visuals are helpful when meditating and evoking.
Hekate is Angry - Last night my experience with Hekate was different than I usually experience with her. I believe she was angry with me. As I am unsure of how to walk through this portal. It's something I need to exercise so I can experience it and find out what I need to know. Who has actually explained an experience of walking through portals?
Curse - I will never understand the contradictions of cursing's and those who write and publish books and yet express they don't curse anything or anyone. Then you're wasting time speaking on a subject you have no real devotion to. Stop being a hypocrite by thinking you're a super witch and yet your portrayal of walking on water, you're just a hypocrite, not a witch.
Whispers of the Void - Personal experience from Edgar Kerval of the Bartchiel on the Tree of Death. He explores the visions and sensations of this tunnel, its darkness and absurdity. Have you tried to work with any tunnels yourself? I have not as I am not seasoned enough to attempt this kind of hate, which this tree is just that. Yet I do enjoy reading about it.
Hekate and her Manifestation - In the last few weeks I've had some good results with Hekate and the more I experience different shapes and forms within my third eye. The more I work with her the more I can see different visions within my third eye, some make sense others don't but I am still yet to get her to fully manifest to me in full form.
Spirits I've Experienced - I'll share some bizarre spiritual moments and unusual things that occurred in my life. Sometimes it's hard to believe these spirits can act out as they do, but they are under stressful times and it doesn't always make sense who they are or why they behave the way they do.
I'm Done with It - I won't waste my time or money listening to people who claim they have gifts, power, and knowledge, writing books that cost hundreds of dollars what is the point? The only experience you gain is your own.
Sitra Ahra - The Sitra Ahra is not a place you can drive to and visit, it's beyond human reach. It's a realm of metaphysical evil and blackness where dense spiritual power resides and frankly, it won't surprise me if most human souls are damned because no one is going to reach heaven.
Qabalah and Mythology - I appreciate learning Qabalah and the Mythology behind it. My views are favored toward Gnostic views because when I look around and view society, it's nothing but hate, violence, and corruption. America is not Christian nor do people have faith in any God especially if you're on Facebook.
Words of Power - Words are power and ring out through the universe, my theory is spirit knows our feelings, thoughts, and emotions which shape and mold our reality circumstances which can manifest into events good and bad.
Essences of Evil - Evil is among all of us and it's within all of us, the more we fight, argue, and disagree with bent emotions the more that essence of evil can play out. Our rational minds have lost sight of the preservation of life.
Using Divine Names - Using Divine names opening the ritual from what I've learned can and does have a huge impact when contacting the spirit. I decided to try it, and this is the result that I received, however, today I briefly called upon Hecate, and I could not get her energy to leave so dismissing the Queen of Witchcraft is tough.
The Void by Frater - Frater is a writer and contributor with the Temple of Ascending Flame and has written about the Void within the Visions of the Nightside however his personal experience is unclear to me exactly what he did as a ritual and how he worked the ritual to confirm the truth about the void.
Hekate my Personal Experience - Regardless of the ignorance of others or exaggerated rituals some describe in books, my experiences have been minimal but still exist as her energy has not left me. Hekate is real and very potent. Hekate energy is strong and can be overwhelming to handle even when subtle.
Visions of the Night Side - It's a thin book that can be read in a day, with interesting perspectives but not all I agree with. Mason is a good writer and explains a simple understanding of the LHP perspective and the tree of death. So many areas of this art have been changed over time to personal discretions, it's why I will cross reference although it's not as easy with the lack of truth.
Negative Thinking - Most of us are infected with negative thinking for many reasons, family, society, personal relationships, and traumas but it is a weakness if we become victims to it and all it to be the driving force to our lives.
The Three Evils - Three Evils are the first three worlds the creator created but all were infused with hatred and blackness no human would survive to live on. Then the "mind" realized evil and good must be as one because they are in every human, we are all GUILTY of sin some are worse than others, but evil was necessary, regardless man still has a choice, don't you?
Black Magick and Curses - Nothing is more annoying than listening to women claiming to be a witch, "oh yes", they are but in a different category. The problem is don't curse anyone, get over your own bullshit as some people straight out fucken deserve it but for those who frown about it look in the mirror you don't walk on water living here on earth.
Kings of Edom - are biblical and occult-based over the years this story has many versions it is rather difficult to know what is true and what is not true. I guess at this point in the modern era can still perform ancient rituals and find the knowledge among certain Gods is up to you to seek the truth within your own beliefs.
Plato's Cave Allegory - I watched this movie called 1899 of an experiment where people were on a ship and they needed to determine reality from non-reality, they couldn't, but what caught my attention was Plato's Allegory and our existence of being human. Socrates explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner freed from the cave and understands that the shadows on the wall are not the direct source of the images seen. A philosopher aims to understand and perceive the higher levels of reality. However, the other inmates of the cave do not even desire to leave their prison, for they know no better life, which is us.
Spiritual Energy - recently I discovered a young man who has proven to be a real occultist and shows you how to raise your energy and connect with spirits and demons, it's amazing, but these are just some of my thoughts about spiritual energy. Meditation is most important before connecting to the spirit.
The 1st Omen 2024 - Yesterday I went to the movies and watched The First Omen. Major flaw Damen Thorn of the 1976 version was born from a Jackal not a young white female who was an orphan and now returning to the church as a nun. The movie had an okay storyline I'll give it 3 stars, but it was rape and abuse the church was committing because their goal was to control the people by instilling fear with a baby as the anti-Christ, in hopes the people would return back to the church, ridiculous.
Capitalizing on Witchcraft - I don't see activism as being a witch, understanding its true origins, and getting to the core of what is real and what is not. I only see people finding an area of interest, learning what they can whether it's authentic or not, and selling to support themselves, it's gotten ridiculous. I express this because all of us are marked with 6 neutrons - 6 electrons - 6 protons in the body it needs to function, so maybe you should look deep into your own soul and life of what is missing or needs to change!
Sexual Fulfillment - My spirit guides once spoke to me that if I wanted sex, I didn't need it with another human, the spirit would oblige. As of yet I desire to experience this encounter, I just haven't had a moment of privacy to do this, but I will make accommodations soon as I want to have this experience with Hekate.
Personal Experience - I never studied witchcraft up until the last four or five years when I began with Tarot and then studied Hekate, my reason for opening the door to the spirit world is simply, that I needed support no humans were willing to provide or dared to be a true friend. Once you experience the power of these incredible spirits, you will never seek others who are human to relate to, as no human can compare to the Witch Gods.
Crown Prince Sabbat Review - This book has many blood sacrifices and speaks of Belial as the Sabbat and Dark Lord. Some of these rituals may be linked to other rituals from other volumes, as there are many sigils, prayers, and passages. Belial is of this earth as he carries the weight of the human race on his back, Hail Belial.
Surveillance of the Witch - My thoughts about rituals being performed outside. Many writers will explain how being outside in a woody area is more conducive to the ritual to gain more effective outcomes. I agree, but it depends on where you live. Walking within nature as compared to being inside is a way of containing too much spiritual energy within the walls of your home. Yet living in the city is a problem when conducting rituals outside, as someone will call the police.
Rituals of Pleasure by Asenath Mason - This book provides insight into having a Demon Lover and understanding of Demonic Children, and other rituals to perform calling upon Witch Gods. You can use many sigils and images you can use during the ritual. Some mythology and other fact-based, it's endless it only takes courage and human will.
Book Review of DarkMoon Huntress - This is a quick overview of my thoughts on this book which is basically the same as the original with just a few add-ons. Overall the cover is the nicest part with the softer paper it was printed on, but I was disappointed it had no real change or significance that could have been placed in the last edition.
Ain - Ain Sop - Ain Sop Aur - Ain is the highest and first of the veils. It is literally translated as nothing or simply "no", it is absolute emptiness, the opposite of existence, complete absence. Ain Soph is the middle of the three veils, and it proceeds from Ain by necessity. It is literally translated as "no limit". If there is nothing then there are no boundaries or limitations, this is the limitless foundation - the eternal in its purest sense. Ain Soph Aur is the lower veil, situated closest to the Tree of Life, and it proceeds from Ain Soph as a necessity. It means limitless or eternal light. Without limitations, all things happen because there is no reason why they shouldn't. I've read and come to understand that "Ain" is void.
Descendant of Ham - Researchers have theorized interesting possibilities of Ham the son of Noah. Incest may have taken place during this time between Ham and his mother, there is evidence, but I will explain why this was a possibility. I have no doubt during certain times of human existence incest has taken place, 1) to procreate if humans were limited in number. 2) the white race has committed these crimes to keep their bloodline pure, it's not.
Sorath the Sun Demon - Sorath is an inherit of the self, the Ego. Sorath is the thorn in the flesh. Steiner calls Sorath the archenemy of all development. Sorath is viewed as the Anti-Christ. When a man has achieved success in the physical plane his own evil pulls him away from spiritualism because of the illusions of monetary gain, in the physical world man believes he's better than the masses.
Book of Practical Witchcraft - I do recommend this book for beginners especially if your ancestry is of Celtic or Druid origins. The author focuses much of the written geographical history on these two eras. It has many rituals, with plants, herbs, and crystals, with various elements. Many things of the natural world don't let the cover of it fool you, there is no black magic here, however, anything can be converted into such. Otherwise, it has plenty to start your journey of the craft.
Yaltaboath - is the child of the Supreme Barbelon, the Heavenly Adam. Yaltaboath is the jealous God that roams his kingdom and demands the attention and love of Lilith, his consort. Yet the two lovers are separate and apart as the Dragon is slain which keeps these two creatures longing and lusting for each other and because of this Lilith and Yaltaboath (to some known as Samael) yearn to be together for the lust and passion these two are bound to share for eternity.
Yaltaboath 2 As I continue the story of Yaltaboath as this spirit God is an interesting subject. Yaltaboath is known as God. Some people today who have studied the Christian lies only to discover this God may have tricked us humans into worshiping him as he believes to be the only God in existence, but is he? And have we humans been enslaved here on earth? What will become of us?
The Number 666 - This number is known to represent all of creation and all of destruction. As much as man wants to blame the Devil, for the problem in society, it's the Devil in every man who needs to be confronted, confronted with the other man that dwells deep within yourself, deep within your soul.
Asmodeus - is a powerful spirit the seventh prince of Hell. Asmodeus is a spirit or a demon rather than a god. In various religious and mythological traditions, Asmodeus is depicted as a powerful entity associated with temptation, lust, and corruption. He is commonly portrayed as a malevolent being who seeks to lead individuals astray and disrupt their lives. Asmodeus is responsible for promoting chaos and discord. He is often associated with the sins of lust and is believed to tempt individuals into indulging in their desires, leading to moral corruption.
Betrayal in the Church - I stopped attending the church and listening to the word of Jesus decades ago. People in the church are not only guilty of hypocrisy at best, but never find solutions to look within themselves to resolve their personal problems, they think in their minds Jesus is the answer to why their kids are corrupt or why their spouse doesn't stop fornicating with the neighbor down the street. Jesus is the answer to everything, no he really isn't. I disagree each person is responsible for resolving their own problems. This flaw that people look to others for resolution is the biggest betrayal you can't look to anyone but yourself for resolution. You'll never find it in the church that's for dam sure!
Low Frequency of Man - Since I was a kid I've had one thought of humans, all of us are terrible, wanting to rage, fuck and fight. All of us live in this shit society of drugs abuse and war and none of us do shit about it. It's rare anyone human takes a stand and yet this Karmic cycle all of us live in just keeps going round and round and round, it's a stagnate, never-ending change of abuse and murder. People being the lower animals, they get what they deserve.
Marbas of Goetia - will provide an understanding of inner child work, shadow work, or self-exploration. Marbas can cause disease in an intended target or cure disease for yourself or someone you know. Marbas can cause you or someone else to have a better immune system. Marbas can help you find stolen things and give you wisdom, advice, and vast knowledge about hidden secrets. Marbas can cause you to shapeshift and act like someone else.
The Chants of Belial - Belial is believed to be the prince of darkness, the devil, the father of idolatry, the demon of impurity, the angel of lawlessness, and the ruler of the world. In this grimoire, written by Mason and Kerval Belial the demon king is presented as the Guardian of the Abyss and a being of multiple faces.
The Warren's Demonist - The Warrens are an interesting couple; the wife has been truly gifted with visions that have occurred from personal events. These events are malevolent activity has taken place. Her husband is somewhat of an occultist minister in his own right, using that word loosely. Otherwise, some of the events have been horrific while uncovering violent occurrences all over the world, and because of these gifts of Lorraine Warren, she has been most helpful to those being subjected to unusual spiritual possession.
H.P Lovecraft - My thought about H.P Lovecraft he was not an Occultist, but he was a writer of Science Fiction and Horror. Lovecraft had an unusual imagination that ran wild for his time. He was like Stephen King and Clive Barker all rolled into one. As I decided to read some of his stories, I began to see why some Occultists gravitate to his writings as Lovecraft goes beyond boundaries and deep into the dark shadows of monsters and demons. It becomes thrilling and uninviting.
Ugartic Culture - The Ugartic Culture is an extinct Northwest Semitic language classified by some as a dialect of the Amorite language. The city was destroyed around 1190 BC. During this era, it was known as the BAAL cycle. Advanced previous to the Egyptian era, however, the Greeks, Jews, and Egyptians all lived and worked together with the Ugartic people. Their ways of living and practices overlapped another at the very least sharing and learning from each other. The language is the oldest West Semitic Scripts such as Aramaic and Phoenician.