Savannah from Black Witch Coven had an interesting video recently about people being "spiritually immune". I'm not sure exactly, maybe they are, maybe not. S. Connolly believes that some people can't be cursed and maybe it's true for example if you know of someone who is extremely devoted to the Lord of Christ and I don't mean the hypocrite kind who fools his friends and family with bullshit and parties on the side. I mean an actual devoted person who lives day to day worshiping Christ or whatever God he worships and doing only that. Then yes this person has a "tephlon" exterior that would be harder to break through but still it can be done it depends on the timing and that can be hard to determine! All people have weaknesses and all people have vulnerabilities, but Savannah is right about the "HUMAN WILL" and not allowing your vulnerabilities to open up that you are easily attacked and not just spiritually but also by human beings emotionally or mentally. Since people enjoy hurting and use other people. Either way when your "HUMAN WILL" IS SHEILDED THEN YOU BECOME THAT "TEPHLON".
Let me explain further we'll begin with this when people are going through different stages in their life such as mid-life change or trying to cope with a death that has just occurred, you will be vulnerable and its very hard for you to see it. Or during times of break up or divorce. Any kind of tragedy or stress will open up your vulnerability. Humans can smell it on you especially men. Humans are animals too frankly many humans are the worst kind of animal. I've always believed the four legged creature is far more harmless than the two-legged animal who can be lower than SCUM. In the last few years much of what I say has already been proven and if this wasn't the case then MURDER wouldn't exist. With that being said it's important to protect yourself at all costs. When your a child you expect your parents to protect you unfortunately that isn't the case for most children.
As you grow into an adult but are still young, predators are everywhere and will try to seduce you to hurt you. The people closets to you have the most to gain because they know of you and know your weakness's. It's best not to share too much of yourself, be evasive when answering questions or don't answer at all. It's only when people answer questions with great detail is when others gain that information and can use it against you. I have gained this through personal experience and living life. Once you are over 50 you will realize how serious it all is and how it makes sense about human behavior being a problem. Understanding the mistakes you have made will be clearer to you and you might find yourself with your defenses up all the time, it's understandable. There is a reason why Talismans are created for protection. Or why certain witches such as Savannah and myself included have Lucifer as an Ally.
Men and many women will befriend you, manipulate you to seduce you,, especially if you are a young girl, to try to hurt you if that is their intention which usually it is, most of the time. And women do this to destroy you, because women don't know how to be friends with other women. Older women are threatened by younger women because they are getting old, or haven't dealt with their fears, jealousy and just being a fucken bitch! So let's move on and I will share with you what I have experienced with "parasitic energy" and how detrimental "parasites" can be to the human being and soul. It's been at least five or six years now since I first opened the door. I am not an expert, nobody is, but I know what I experienced and it was very real. First I began watching Black Witch Coven, then Tarot Cards buying a variety of books and studying witchcraft, to have a clearer understanding of its nature, but none of this caused the energy I experienced to come in, actually it had been there all along since I was a kid.
When it attacked me it was trying to overwhelm me and I was caring for my boyfriend at the time because he became very ill with hyperthyroidism and dementia. This black energy you can't see it but you can feel it and its attracted to death. I had numerous problems that added to the forces that tried to get me to hurt Todd. It's a heavy influence of the mind to bring your worst horrible fears to the surface. All that you resent - all that you hate but to scared to admit to yourself. Anything that lingers deep within your shadow will be used against you to cause great harm to yourself or someone else. I am blessed and grateful to be a "CONSCIOUS HUMAN BEING", at some point I fought back and realized what was happening to me. I was behaving over - aggressive, it was a different feeling which wasn't natural. I being a Capricorn I am an aggressive person by nature because all of us have defense mechanism within us, but this was different. Todd could see it and sense something was wrong with me, but I didn't hurt him. I quickly did what I could to banish or at least keep this bad energy at bay. My over aggressive feelings was different something I never felt before but was lingering deep within me. This is why I know all humans have the ability to kill - even the weakest person can be the worst nightmare. It's a matter of degree and how we are triggered because remember all of us have been hurt and abused and all of us have resentment. Being conscious of everything in your life is vital - we have senses and intuitions for a reason. Use them and be conscious of your actions and others.
As I said I am not an expert but I know spirits and parasitic energy is all around us. In this vast universe it controls much we don't know. So much energy of different fields man will never discover. When people speak about "ghosts" pr other spirits in a house or on land. It's dark parasitic energy no doubt, considering all the rape and murder throught out history. Not all souls are in a good place or at rest. When Todd died I asked spirit to show me where he was. i wanted to know he was okay, but I he wasn't. He was standing in a dark place and his face was monster. He wasn't the Todd I remember and have felt responsible for that since then.
I believe our mere existence as humans is a gift of kindness from the dark forces that control this world, but why do they want us? Why do they allow us to exist? We are weak and vulnerable and there are forces beyond our comprehension that we can't see but can feel their immense power and once it appeared to me for a few minutes in my face I nearly shit my pants. This was another amazing experience I had and it blew me away. It was so strong you can sense it's power because it's linked to our souls. It's hard to explain, the minute its essence is in the room you can feel it. These energies can destroy us, but this particular energy was no threat to me. It wanted me to experience it, which I believe was Marbas at the time. IT WAS TESTING me if I could hold my own because it's essences was incredibly strong and this force can over power you, but it knows how much to feed you and when.
It was Marbas, because I called out his name which happened to be on a dark moon after midnight. It's hard to describe what you feel but can't see. It was a thickness, like a wave so thick and heavy but it surrounded me and it knocked over my speaks to my computer and it was there in my face. It's like the moment it enters the room, your soul can feel it. You can sense its vibration, but it can sneak up on you which gives you no time to respond from the shock. I was paralyzed I couldn't move and slowly it drifted away. This was not parasitic but fucken mind blowing!
The problem was because of Todd's illness I had spirits everywhere until he died. They never left me. Even now I have grown in my practice and learned much in this short period of time. These energies can't be controlled by man and have given us information and gifts to learn how to live in this cruel world. Before I began to focus on Hekate I had experienced another incredible situation and I'm still not sure if it was "lucid dreaming" or something else. Todd was in the hospital and I had gone home to get some rest I was exhausted. I had fallen into a deep sleep since I hadn't slept much the last several weeks and what I remember is something was over me. A heavy creature of some kind because I could feel it's immense paws denting in the mattress from it's weight. I was yelling in my sleep but couldn't open my eyes it's like my eye lids were glued shut. I was yelling NO NO NO!!!! I think it wanted sex not sure exactly and I woke up at 1pm in the afternoon. I couldn't believe it. It was real, very real it wasn't a dream. That was parasitic, it wasn't invited. Mark Smith speaks a lot about Gnosis when a person starts working with energy and at first I didn't understand what kind of Gnosis he was referring to. I don't know how much of his books are real and how much are fillers? His books have a foundation of ceremonial magic but some of his writings I question?
Now I think I understand Gnosis can occur in different forms, in a dream - synchronicities - lucid dreaming - visions - audio (when energy speaks to you) or any other form of visions or events in life. Messages are provided in various ways. Most people just aren't paying attention being self absorbed. After I realized many things I knew I had to be in control of what I could control. I don't know how exactly this event in my life (being saved by Divine Energy) at the age of 16 effects me now following a different path, studying and practicing witchcraft? Recently when I was working with my TAROT the messages were telling me to "abandon" the dark path. I don't know if I can at least not right now. I can't abandon Hekate she is my spiritual mother, she was there for me when no human would be. She carried me and gave me strength and helped me get through some horrible events when I cared for Todd. Belial fed me his energy like a child is fed from his mother. I was weak physically and mentally drained carrying for Todd it almost killed me, but I made it through and was told by divine voices to care for my health. I was also told that I shouldn't tell anyone my plans because I want out of this fucken state of California, but that last message worries me. However, I shouldn't be worried about the future I just need to be careful and conscious of placing myself in compromising situations or with people.
Protection is important, when I think back on the all the times I could have been killed in a accident or by the hands of someone else, there is a reason I am still here. Regardless of what you practice you will still have problems in life we as a human race are meant to suffer in this life. I've come to notice some of the most known people who have become successful are now dead at a young age or by a tragic event and were Capricorns which I questioned why they died so young. Capricorns never have a twin have you noticed? Spirt knows me - knows my soul - knows how I feel when I wake up in the morning - knows my thoughts. Knows me better than I know myself, but I am working hard at not be arrogant, that isn't in my nature. I am not a show off because I don't need attention - I am not one to brag because I don't need approval from others. I am here to focus on the end goal of my life. I know Hekate exists and I know Divine Angels exists - its all energy bad and good like humans are. OUR HUMAN WILL IS STRONG AND WE HAVE POWER TO LET THESE PARASITES KNOW THEY ARE UNINVITED. Savannah mentions dabbling in various practices is not the best method, well it depends on you. Some people enjoy working with different energies and having relationships with different spirits such as Luciferia, who is to say what is wrong or right, its a matter of degree.
None of us know what will happen tomorrow or next week or next year. Consciousness is vital to life I believe that. To finish my thoughts I mentioned how I believe these spirits were here all along. When I was a child my intuitions were very strong I just knew things but over the years it's weakened because of life's stress's. Numerous events happened in our family because negative energy feeds on negative situations. When people are fighting you can be sure those parasites will appear. You are feeding their essences. My parents went through a period of divorce for years they were fighting and it was bad. I had gone to bed one night and the minute I closed my lids the bed shook hard. It wasn't as bad as the exorcist but pretty dam close. These energies will tear people down and ruin your life until it no longer exists, so protection is vital. I ask Belial to protect me when I drive my car. I ask Hekate to protect my family and my life from evil people, as they are everywhere and so are people with evil intentions. I knew of people in the family who were spiritually attacked including myself and one person ended up in the hospital.
This is not something you can explain to a doctor because they want to base all their bullshit as psychological problems. Todd grew up in a horrible situation of drug abuse, he told me he once saw a dark figure with yellow eyes starring at him in the corner of his room, just starring at him. He freaked out. I told him it was because of the energy in the house. A relative told me the same scenario when he was fighting with his girlfriend, he too had a dark figure starring at him. He is also a Capricorn. I sometimes feel like living here on Earth is a game - a test - were being watched all the time. For me I enjoy reading various literature but I seek to find the natural practice of Witchcraft and go deep into the roots of Hekate's existence. I was told by spirit to seek the truth and roots of its origins, so my primary focus is Strega. The contemporary crap these young girls are piggy backing off of each other is pathetic Wiccan White washed bullshit. I am a critical thinker when reading literature and listening to those who speak on the subject of Witchcraft. It's merely a practice of the darker nature of this life we live to protect us from those who oppress us. Just be Conscious of everything.